I told you I would discuss why chickens are great for your garden! Of course, while it is growing and producing, chickens are not a great idea in your garden as they will eat all of your plants and fruits/veggies! But after your garden has passed its prime, let your chickens out in the garden. They will eat your aging non producing plants, till your garden by their scratching the earth and their droppings are high in nitrogen, an excellent natural fertilizer. This is a great way to go back to nature taking care of your garden instead of using synthetic fertilizers and such. Also, chicken droppings and the shavings/straw from the chicken coop can be easily composted to create a wonderful soil amendment to prepare for your next garden in spring.
On a recycling note, until my husband has the time to make me my dream raised bed garden where I can garden on a larger scale, I am currently container gardening my veggies. In the past, in my suburban days, I would buy pots or whatever to container garden. But now I have great farm surplus stuff to do it! This photo shows my container garden in old, leaky non-usable stock tanks. But they work great for a container garden!
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